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Ten foods to eat to lose weight

 Ten foods to eat to lose weight

Ten foods to eat to lose weight

There is no doubt that the key to success in losing weight is to eat healthy, low-calorie meals. However, there are some foods that you should eat if you really want to lose weight, and the most prominent of these foods are: < ol>
  • Wheat, bulgur, or grits for breakfast:

    What is meant here, of course, is the types rich in fiber and prepared from whole wheat. It has been noted that these people tend to eat smaller amounts of fat during other meals. Oats and other grains. And bran and sugar-free. Statistics indicate that people who eat a healthy breakfast daily are generally more fit than others who do not usually eat breakfast. In a study conducted by British nutritionist Terry Kirk, which lasted 12 weeks, it was found that people who ate 60 grams every morning of whole grains with skimmed milk, they lost about 1.4 kg of their weight by the end of the study. At the same time, they are very beneficial for public health. Perhaps the reasons behind the health benefits of pure grains are that many factors affect this area. For example, grains help Pure grains help reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as insulin and glucose. Compared to their improved counterparts, pure grains contain more nutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. However, Kirk explains this by saying: Breakfast food rich in fiber slowly provides the body with the energy it needs throughout the period before noon, so it does not feel A person with sudden hunger usually forces him to eat sweets or other fast foods. Whoever eats whole grains also benefits from the nutrients available and contained in them. In addition, eating breakfast food that contains pure grains instead of refined ones or those that contain sugars may be a problem. The simplest means to prolong life. A recent study showed that men who eat a meal containing whole grains daily are 20% less likely to develop heart disease than people who do not eat such meals regularly. Researchers say that these results also highlight the importance of distinguishing between breakfast meals that Containing pure grains and other types helps prevent diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Although breakfast cereals are a major source of pure and refined grains in food, their overall effect in reducing the risk of mortality is still unclear. Researchers who They published the results of their study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition by analyzing the information they collected from about 86,000 doctors who participated in the study. 19% of the participants answered that they eat breakfast that contains cereals daily, and 12 said that they eat one or more meals of cereals daily. After a while From a follow-up that lasted five and a half years, the researchers found that the more meals the men ate that contained grains, the lower the risk of death from heart disease or other diseases. For example, men who ate at least one serving of grains per day had a 27-fold lower risk of death. % of those who rarely ate cereals in their meals. It is worth noting that these health benefits of pure breakfast cereals persisted even after the researchers took into account other risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, little physical activity, and high cholesterol levels.
  • Cold, low-fat milk:

    If you think that abstaining from drinking milk will help you lose weight, then you are completely wrong. American scientific research has proven that there is a close relationship between a decrease in body weight and an increase in the amount of calcium by an amount not excessive. ) that an individual eats. Specialists believe that food rich in calcium, meaning that it contains at least 800 milligrams of calcium per day, can encourage fat cells in the body to release their contents instead of storing them in the body. Therefore, it is possible under a diet program that is low in calories from the rest of the elements. Nutrition: Drink 3 servings of low-fat milk daily, such as a small cup of milk, a small carton of yogurt, or 40 grams of cheese. You should also eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Although milk is simple in appearance, it is a natural composition of the origin of creation. Three jewels are cheese, ghee and water. Ghee is cold and moist and nourishes the body. Ghee is moderate in temperature and humidity suitable for a healthy human body and has many benefits. Water is hot and humid, absolute by nature, moisturizing for the body. Soft is absolutely cooler and more moist than moderate, but after drinking milk one should rinse one’s mouth with water afterward. And in the two Sahih books: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, drank milk, then called for water and rinsed his mouth and said, “It has fat.” Therefore, the milk intended for the weight loss process is skimmed milk, and it can be heated, then put it in the refrigerator and its fat removed after that, then eating it cold is better for the stomach, but not at a very cold temperature, but rather at a very cold temperature. In a slightly moderate degree, or it can be sorted and eaten without fat.
  • Soup:

    Liquid foods such as fat-free meat soup with a little celery fill the stomach, so the individual tends to eat a smaller amount of Food during the meal. Barbara - a nutritionist, confirms that food that contains water helps in the process of controlling appetite, and she believes that water reduces the concentration of calories in each portion of water-rich food. Another French study showed that people who drink soup daily are usually more Fitness for those who do not regularly drink soup. It is worth noting that when watering meat, potassium comes out of the meat fibers into the soup and increases in it and decreases in meat, and this is what benefits muscular strength and helps in the process of absorbing glucose into the muscles and is very useful in nourishing athletes in particular, and this is what gives it value. During the weight loss process and its many benefits.
  • Hot pepper:

    Studies indicate that meals containing hot pepper lead to metabolism for a short period, but the reason for this is still unclear, as is the size of the units. The additional calories that eating pepper burns. Hot pepper also has additional benefits, including: it gives foods that are low in fat the flavor they need and makes them more palatable. It also helps relieve nasal congestion. Hot pepper has a major role in improving heart functions and stimulating blood circulation, in addition to Reducing blood fats and reducing blood clots, it also plays a preventive role against vascular diseases. Hot pepper also helps lower blood sugar and relieve skin pain caused by various diseases. They also found that hot pepper can actually dissolve fat inside the body and boost metabolism, which is beneficial. To lose weight, this is good news for women. Hot peppers are beneficial for health despite their heat. The heat of peppers also varies according to their types and in terms of color, so the temperature depends on the color of hot peppers. In general, red peppers are hotter than green peppers, and green peppers are hotter than purple, yellow, and black peppers because hot peppers It will become red and hotter as it matures, and the taste of yellow and purple hot peppers is sweet. The benefits of hot peppers are many, and some of them are: • Strengthening the stomach and aiding digestion. Hot peppers have a stimulating role for the mouth, stomach, and intestines, increase the motility of the stomach and intestines, stimulate the release of digestive hormones, and improve the flavor of foods. • Some Chinese experts conducted In the field of medicine and nutrition, investigations in the provinces of Hunan and Sichuan revealed that the incidence of stomach ulcers among the residents of the two provinces is lower than in other regions, in addition to their preference to eat hot peppers because it is useful for renewing the mucous membrane in the stomach, protecting the functions of stomach and intestinal cells, and preventing stomach ulcers. Move Blood and its regularity: Red pepper helps stimulate blood movement more than any other plant. Therefore, it has been described as one of the best plants suitable for crises. Because it increases the efficiency of the circulatory system, red pepper enhances the body’s energy and reduces the effects of stress to which a person is exposed. Experiments revealed that It was conducted at the University of Dusseldorf that pepper increases the patient’s ability to concentrate. It was found that hot red pepper (chili) stimulates the release of saliva and digestive gastric juices. It is known that saliva contains enzymes that help in digesting carbohydrates, while gastric secretions contain acid and other enzymes that By digesting various food elements.
  • Pasta under conditions:

    Pasta, which is available in many types and recipes, helps maintain weight thanks to its low glycemic index. British dietitian Joyce explains this by saying that The glycemic index is an arrangement of foods according to how quickly they raise the blood sugar level. The lower the glycemic index, the higher the sugar level gradually. Foods with a low index, such as pasta, are digested and absorbed slowly in the body, and this helps us feel full for a longer period, so we avoid eating between meals. Needless to say, Pasta should be eaten in small quantities, boiled with very little tomato and vegetable sauces after cooking, and one should stay away from fatty sauces that contain cream and butter, and not eat any protein with them. It should be eaten with cooked vegetables and salad with dill and parsley.
  • < h3> Apples and pears: An apple or pear does not contain more than 50 calories, and it contains almost no fat. Both of them have a low glycemic index, which makes them the best thing we can eat when we feel hungry between meals. Apples and pears are rich in fiber. Soluble foods that help lower cholesterol levels, in addition to antioxidants. Apples, in particular, contain hydroxycitric acid, which prevents or reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. But this does not mean that we should limit ourselves to eating only apples, as almost all fruits are low in calories and rich in calories. With nutrients and fiber.
  • Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts:

    Research conducted at the Women’s Hospital in Boston indicates that it is possible to eat nuts and lose weight at the same time. In an 18-month study, A number of obese people were divided into two groups. The first group followed a low-fat diet, and the second followed a moderate-fat diet containing specified amounts of nuts and olive oil. After the end of the experiment period, the members of the second group lost an average of 5 kg of their weight, while the members of the first group lost only 2 and a half kilograms. Also, the members of the first group were more willing to stop continuing the diet because of the frustration they experienced during it. Comments on Dr. Cathy, who supervised the experiment. Experience says: Controlled diets that contain moderate amounts of fat are more successful and people follow them without frustration. Also, almonds, walnuts, and nuts in general contain the good type of fat that helps lower blood cholesterol levels, in addition to being rich in nutrients, protein, and fiber. Also, eating a small amount of nuts daily at a rate of 25 grams, for example, can contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease, but on the condition that the nuts are eaten before meals, unsalted and not roasted... This is because the nuts contain omega-3 acid, which helps in the burning process. Fats. This is achieved if the nuts are raw and unsalted.
  • Green tea:
  • Studies conducted on substances extracted from green tea have shown that they enhance the process of burning calories and thus help the body Getting rid of fat. Researchers at the University of Friborg found that this effect is due to green tea containing the antioxidant flavonoids and caffeine at the same time. There are many weight loss medications that have been manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and are currently sold in pharmacies everywhere.
  • < h3> Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower: These types of vegetables are very rich in anti-cancer elements and it is one of the vegetables that contain the most nutrients. Eating broccoli and cabbage, like eating most vegetables, helps to lose weight and makes the body feel the least amount of calories possible. With the greatest amount of benefit and consumes calories in the digestion process.
  • Favorite foods:

    People who succeed in losing weight without regaining what they lost later do not impose any ban on eating They do not have any foods that are completely forbidden, but rather they resort to eating the foods that they love within their healthy diet in specific quantities from time to time. This trend leads to their feeling of satisfaction and satisfaction and drives away the ravages of deprivation and oppression that lead many to abandon following any strict diet. And returning to eating fatty foods. This is done after a period of maintaining the body and monitoring the weight, in what is known as the “stabilization” period or weight stabilization. As is known in ancient medicine, whoever abandons a large amount of food, his intestines become narrow.
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